Tuesday 17 October 2017

Film Shots Analysis

 This shot is a medium close up that shows the protagonist's opposition.They all have

This shot is a close up that depicts the protagonist's countenance. His furrowed eyebrows show how perplexed he is with the situation he is in (being hunted down by his former team mates).This shot was used to show a bit of the run-down background and the costume the character is wearing which does not match his surroundings.This subtly conveys the hierarchical inequalities that still exist in a futuristic world and that if John is arrested, this could be taken away from him before he even commits a crime.The dark colour scheme helps to emphasise this serious tone.

Tuesday 10 October 2017

TV show clip analysis

 At 0.20 seconds into the clip, as slow pan is used to reveal the 5 bullies who are standing opposite the protagonists.This creates suspense as the audience will want to know who/what is being revealed. A high angled shot at 0.24 follows this to show the protagonists as being powerless and vulnerable which foreshadows the event that takes place afterwards which is the main characters being drenched in slushies. After this,another high angled long shot occurs to show that they are still powerless.At 0.42 seconds into the clip,there is a subtle low medium shot to show the power and status the bullies have over the protagonists and a medium shot is used  to show how tall the antagonists are and this creates a sense of weariness in the audience.

Thursday 5 October 2017

Fake Friends~A short story by Emmanuela,Cerys,Fatima and Arylae

We used a wide shot here so the background is shown. In this shot two friends are talking over-looking the balcony.The traces of red are used to for shadow the nature of this story.

We used an over-the-shoulder shot here to show the scene from one of the characters' point of view. The girl is hearing her friend gossip about her other friend.
This is another over-the-shoulder shot,This time from the fake friend's point of view.The friend is hugging her companion with an evil smirk on her face showing her duplicitous nature while her friend is oblivious.
We used a medium shot here to convey the next part of the plot. The person on the left is revealing the truth about the one on the left's best friend that she hugged in an earlier shot.
The girl who gossiped about her friend in earlier shots, is alone at break time and regretting her decision.This was taken at a high angle to maker look powerless.
The next shot is a medium close up that depicts the character on the left picking a fight with her former companion.
The protagonist (me) is being hurt by this and is confused as to why her friend was attacking her as she (played by Fatima) was in the wrong.We used another medium close up to emphasise the distress on the person on the left's face.
The protagonist finally fights back and pushes her ex-friend off of her.It is only then when the differences in height between the two characters are revealed and the protagonist is taller than the antagonist which is unconventional.
A high shot is used here to show that the antagonist has been defeated and has now lost her two friends.

This is a low shot to depict the protagonist as powerful as she had won the brawl.There are no more shades of red, only blues and greens to symbolise the end of bad intentions.


I feel that my oasis task has been the strongest piece of work so far, I think my weakest has definitely been  the film poster analysis as I was unsure at what to do.I think I can improve by checking all of the aspects of my work and seeing if I could add some more details.