Tuesday 5 December 2017

audience reception

1) The preferred reading of a media text is what the producer intends for the meaning of their product to be.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            2)The oppositional reading of a text opposes what the producer intended to convey.                                                                                                                                                                                                3)The Harry Brown trailer  positions the audience to think that young people are destructive,violent and reckless and all of the antagonists are teenagers or young adults.                                                                                                                                                                                                                          4)Young people are associated with other young people and so they know people who deviate from the stereotype of all younger people being violent, furthermore they wouldn't be examples of this stereotype  themselves.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    5) The background of the image is dark and plain to make the brightly coloured burger the most significant thing in the image.The burger patties have a slight sheen to make them stand out more and look appetising to the audience.The catchphrase is designed to appeal to a mass audience as it shows how convenient it is to get the burger and how practical and filling it is.Furthermore, the bright green lettuce and pickles stand out to convey a subtle message that  the burger is not processed but instead it is healthy, (although this may deviate from the truth). The yellow colour of the cheese has connotations of happiness to subconsciously make the audience associate the burger with happiness.The san-serif font at the top is a deliberate choice to make the product deviate from the thought that McDonald's food is cheap and prepared badly but instead to convey the message that it is lovingly prepared and good for you.                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Extension task: I agree to some extent that Plan B presents a positive view of young people because on the one hand, he explains why some young people rebel and talked about how he changed and he wanted to help the youth with opportunities so they could stay on the right track but on the other hand, he proves the stereotype that young people are misbehaved and less educated because he was excluded from school.

On the one hand, he is still made something of himself and made a film on a small project and started a film and then gave poor children a chance so that they too could make something of themselves so in that respect, he deviates from negative stereotype that young people are just a drain on society

On the other hand, he did get excluded from school and if he was more educated, he would set a better example for the young people who aspire to be like him.   

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