Tuesday 30 January 2018

Tatler Study Case

1)The type of people who read Tatler are upper and upper middle class as they are the only select groups that can relate to things like buying expensive jewellery and going horse riding or hunting.

2) The author uses words like "fabulously" to describe the lifestyle of the readers to show that they're audience lives extremely extravagant lifestyles.She also uses the verb "reflected" to show that the events in Tatler mirror those of the audience so that they can relate to it.  3) The statistics show that although Tatler is trying to take a new direction, their average reader age is 41 years old.The fact that 83% of their readers are in the ABC social groups show that it exclusively targets the upper classes.The average household income further emphasises this as it is a staggering £261,572 which is almost 10 times the average household income in the UK.The fact that 70% of the readers of this magazine live in London or the South east of London 5) All of the activities that are showcased on all of the special editions are things that the higher classes enjoy, almost exclusively. For example, the Beauty & Cosmetic Surgery Guide edition is geared towards an audience who either are seriously considering plastic surgery, or already have had procedures done and are considering more, to be in this kind of a position, you almost certainly have to be wealthy. The same could be said about all of these magazine covers.

Media Language 

1) How many of the 12 magazine cover key conventions feature on this edition of Tatler?
9 of the 12 key magazine conventions are used. Some exammples of this include : the title of the publication, which is placed in the top third of the publication to grab the readers attention, the central image, is a young,blonde model wearing pearls to show looking directly into the camera, almost right into the audiences eyes to show the calibre of people that Tatler are appealing to.Sell lines are present down the sides of the magazine cover using words like 'aristo' to try and appeal to a young, wealthy audience. Furthermore, the use of name checks like 'Corden' shows the audience that the writers of Tatler are aware that people in those circles are likely to know who that is. 

4) Tatler readers spend a considerable amount on fashion because they think that it is very important.96% of Tatler readers own designer clothing, 62% of them have bought items that were advertised to them in the magazine, which shows how much Tatler understands what their audiences interests and tastes are. Furthermore, a staggering 81% of their readers own designer shoes and accessories so this calibre of items are what can be advertised in their magazine.5) Go to page 10. What are the special editions of Tatler that run throughout the year? What does this suggest about the pyschographic groups who read Tatler?

The slender serif font choice is used to highlight the themes of sophistication,and elegance that Tatler would like to be viewed as.

3) A san serif, all capitalised font is used to draw attention to what the sell lines are saying and the san serif font was a deliberate choice to show that Tatler is moving with the times.
4)The cover lines talk about things like milenial sloanes (rich people with old money in their family who are young) which can relate to their intended audiences of young women in their 20's with wealth.

5) The pink is vibrant and modern to show that Tatler is changing for the new generation of wealthy women, the green has connotations of spring, which is fitting as this was published in April and finally the hints of gold show that Tatler is still for an elegant, and almost regal audience. 

6) The model's eyeliner is dramatic, which draws attention to her eyes the focal point.Her makeup comprises mostly on dramatic winged eye-liner to bring attention to the focal point of the image, the model's eyes.This contrasts with previous issues where all makeup is minimal to show that Tatler is moving in a new direction.Her costume shows that it is still aimed towards the wealthy though as she is wearing pearls and her outfit has hints of gold on it.Finally, her facial expression is neutral to draw attention to her eyes which are looking directly into the camera to make it seem like she is having a private conversation with the audience.

 1) Aristocratic, young women are represented on the magazine cover.

2)The cover lines suggest that rich people in the UK are quite care free and they frequent events and they are all socialites.  
3)The stereotype that the upper classes are reserved and boring and mostly older is being subverted because the cover model is young and the events that are being talked about on the cover lines seem quite lively. 

4) Are there any misrepresentations or under-representations of groups? What might this suggest about the target audience? There is a severe under representation of lower classes, men and people of colour.

5) The preferred reading of Tatler would be that people think that it is moving with the times and becoming relatable to younger generations and also many people would aspire to be like the people who feature in the magazine.The oppositional reading would be  that Tatler is elitist and exclusive and does not feature certain groups because the company believes that they are better than them and these classist values are the polar opposite of moving with the times and stick to old values like classicism and exclusivity.

Social and Cultural context

1) Every day living such as high street shopping and anything enjoyed by the majority of people in the middle or working classes is not represented in Tatler.

2) Tatler runs special issues on holidays, spa breaks, cosmetic surgery, watches and jewellery and private schools. What does this suggest about the magazine's representation of life in Britain?
Tatler represents life in England to only be about luxuries and an international audience may think that British people don't go through any hardships.

3) What audience groups might be offended or insulted by the front cover of Tatler April 2017? 
Many young women may be offended by the tagline "Oops all my clothes fell of, which is fine because all you need are the new accessories" because it trivialises the thought process of a woman and suggests that things like this are all a woman has to worry about 

4) Find three other front covers for Tatler. What issues or problems are regularly featured in Tatler?
Image result for Tatler front coversImage result for Tatler front covers

The first issue features the issue of people being outshone by their children, this is an issue that people in the upper classes may face as their children have amazing opportunities and so they may have an even more impressive career than them.The second one features the issue that some women face as they start to physically age and it gives tips on how to look younger.The final one features the problem of being unhappy with your body and it is a guide on plastic surgery, beauty, fashion and how to seem like a better version of yourself, are ideas that are often featured in Tatler.

1) How does the front cover engage audiences with possible narratives? Look for stories, cliffhangers, dramatic cover lines etc.
The front cover of the April 2017 Tatler cover engages the audience by talking about well known celebrities and what they are doing (James Corden) and using colloquialisms that the people reading the magazine will understand and relate to like "aristo". This engages the audience as they want to find out what is happening to the celebrities as they many have an attachment and admiration for certain celebrities.

2) What does the costume and make-up in the central image suggest about the character featured on the front cover of the April 2017 edition of Tatler?The dramatic eyeliner suggests that the person is trendy and is willing to take risks, the embellished choker that she is wearing further emphasises this and shows that she is a part of modern trends, the pearls that she is wearing and her updo hairstyle mark her as a wealthy individual but the looseness of the bun also shows that she is care free and youthful.

3) Read this Guardian article on the BBC documentary about Tatler called Posh People. What does the article suggest about the people who produce and read Tatler?

4) How does the front cover juxtapostion text and images to create contrast and narrative on the front cover of Tatler April 2017?

Minority Report (re upload)

Thursday 18 January 2018

Learner response

1) 22 marks grade 6

www: This is an extremely impressive assessment across the board...real knowledge and insight offered, particularly in the first half of Q3 and Q4.

ebi: For Q4, you need a little more focus on the question... its about the audience experience.Your points on industry are valid but you need to relate it back to the audience.


1) * 1 mark

2)* 1 mark

3) 6/8 LR: more reference to the fact that it was a war time effort.

4)14/20 LR:Read the question carefully and make your points more geared towards audiences instead of industries.
5)The preferred reading of this media product is that women will be convinced to join war time efforts due to the example of a strong independent woman on the cover.The red on her bandanna signifies power and subliminally tells the audience that they can be powerful too if they help make weapons for the army.

However,the oppositional reading of this text is that women shouldn't have to work and they should instead be consoling their children who have lost their fathers and the fact that they're has to be an advert to convince them proves that they really don't want to.

Tuesday 16 January 2018


1)Teenagers, males females and ethnic minorities- black and mixed race people are represented in the poster.

2)A young black male at the right of the poster is holding a baseball bat and wearing a hoodie, this is commonly used to portray black males as violent, aggressive and untrustworthy

3)The preferred reading of this poster is that young people, especially ethnic minorities are dangerous and should be feared.

4) The oppositional reading of this poster is that it does not represent all young people of a certain background.


Saturday 13 January 2018

Film Industry Research

1)I have chosen Kidulthood

2)I have chosen Kidulthood because it is really funny and I remember re-watching it a countless amount of times.

3) Lionsgate UK was the film studio behind Kidulthood.

4) Capelight Pictures was the distributor for the theatrical release of Kidulthood.

5) Kidulthood is a Crime Drama

6) There is the selling of Drugs and Guns but also fights and references to relationships so I know that it's a crime drama.

7) Does your chosen film have any stars or a director that are known for that particular genre?
Aml Ameen who plays Trevor has also had roles in movies like "shank" and is well known for being in the Crime Drama genre.

8)Kidulthood was released on the 3rd of March 2006.

9) The full trailer was released and then shared on platforms like Youtube which were new at the time,teaser trailers and posters were also released



2) https://www.blogger.com/blogger.g?blogID=5361032028589882639#editor/target=post;postID=1790693635575768443

3)https://www.blogger.com/blogger.g?blogID=5361032028589882639#editor/target=post;postID=4624559470606065605 https://www.blogger.com/blogger.g?blogID=5361032028589882639#editor/target=post;postID=8191429096860425272













Tuesday 9 January 2018

Ownership and Control blog task

1) Why did Facebook buy Instagram for $1bn in 2012?

Facebook bought Instagram for $1bn in 2012 because they wanted to become a larger conglomerate and had the knowledge of the tech industry in order to run another social media network, furthermore, Facebook could exhibit horizontal integration to secure  the company further. 
2) What are the benefits for media companies of vertical integration?

The benefits of vertical integration are that the company can make money at every stage of development.For example, if a film company owns a CGI company and a distributor,they can make more profit than just the film itself's revenue.

3) What are the benefits for media companies of horizontal integration?

  The benefits of horizontal integration are that if one subsidiary company fails, the conglomerate will not go out of business as they are not linked.

4) What is a subsidiary?

A subsidiary is a smaller organisation that is owned by a large company.   

5) Give three examples of media companies that have used synergy to maximise the profit from a brand (there is one above to help you).

1) The Harry Potter franchise has books, movies, merchandise,a play and a 'Harry Potter' world in Watford.

2)The teenage mutant ninja turtle franchise has a TV show,many movies and sequels,costumes,and even a musical tour in the 90's.

3) The "Doctor Who" franchise has a movie,a series and books.                                                          6)What are 10 companies owned by Disney?                                      ESPN,Marvel,Lucasfilm,21st Century Fox,Pixar,Hulu(30%),ABC,Dreamworks II,The Muppets and Hollywood Records                                                                                                    7)Why did Disney buy fox - what are the benefits?                                                                                21 Century Fox has 39% shares in the broadcasting giant Sky, Disney will profit immensely from this and spread their gigantic influence even further.