Thursday 18 January 2018

Learner response

1) 22 marks grade 6

www: This is an extremely impressive assessment across the board...real knowledge and insight offered, particularly in the first half of Q3 and Q4.

ebi: For Q4, you need a little more focus on the question... its about the audience experience.Your points on industry are valid but you need to relate it back to the audience.


1) * 1 mark

2)* 1 mark

3) 6/8 LR: more reference to the fact that it was a war time effort.

4)14/20 LR:Read the question carefully and make your points more geared towards audiences instead of industries.
5)The preferred reading of this media product is that women will be convinced to join war time efforts due to the example of a strong independent woman on the cover.The red on her bandanna signifies power and subliminally tells the audience that they can be powerful too if they help make weapons for the army.

However,the oppositional reading of this text is that women shouldn't have to work and they should instead be consoling their children who have lost their fathers and the fact that they're has to be an advert to convince them proves that they really don't want to.

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