Friday 13 April 2018

Galaxy Advert CSP

1) Audrey Hepburn was a famous film actress in the 1950s and 1960s who starred in films such as Breakfast at Tiffany's and Roman Holiday.

2) Audrey Hepburn was selected for this advert so that older audiences have a feel of nostalgia, referring to the "good old days" when her movies were released, this makes many references to her film "Roman Holiday" due to the italian setting, retro cars and beautiful landscapes to create intertextuality which is when one media text - in this case, an advert relates to another - Hepburn's film "Roman Holiday." 

3)Audrey Hepburn is a timeless style icon associated with golden age Hollywood glamour.

4)The advert being set set in the 1950s provides the audience pleasure of nostalgia or a 'harking for yesterday' and will remind audiences of the good experiences they had watching Hepburn's film in their youth - thus enabling the audience to create a positive association with galaxy chocolate.
5) What is intertextuality?

6)  Hepburn's film "Roman Holiday" is referred to using scenery, retro cars and an actor that resembles Gregory Peck, her co star.

7) The Donor is the person who allows "Princess Anne" to take his hat, Princess Anne is the hero, the chocolate could be argued to be the princess character as it acts as the reward for the hero and Joe Bradley is the sidekick who helps the hero.

8)This links to Todorov's theory as there is an equilibrium, hepburn's character is taking a ride into town, a disequilibrium, her being stuck in traffic and a new equilibrium, her getting a ride from Peck's character 

9) A subverted representation of gender roles are shown as the woman  is the protagonist and leads the narrative and the driver is just a supporting character rather than vise versa.

The stereotype that women are submissive and live to support men's needs is subverted as the man supports the woman's needs by driving her and she has the power to change his role by giving him the hat, making her in control of the situation.

Women in the 1950s are represented very differently in two of our advertising CSPs: OMO and Galaxy. What similarities and differences can you find by analysing the two products?

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