Tuesday 31 July 2018

Statement of Intent

The narrative of my TV drama excerpt follows a group of "troubled teens" in a workshop crafted for minority students called Achieve Higher designed to make them try and aspire to go to University. The protagonist is actually extremely quick-witted and bright but is branded as having 'attitude' because she questions the rules that she is to follow. This will be shot in a school Science Lab and the corridor near it. They are instructed to create a circuit. The teacher leaves the room for a while and when Ziana connects the circuit, her fellow 'misfits' notice that her eyes have changed to an electric yellow colour. She takes a friend's phone to check her reflection, accidentally touches the charging point and the phone charges up to 20%. She then starts to rally her classmates saying how she is tired of being patronised by the system and wants to show the power in being a minority unaware that her teacher is eavesdropping on her conversation before she walks away hurriedly. This subverts both racial and gender stereotypes because she leads the experiment and is articulate and an extremely able scientist, despite what her teachers may think because of her race and how she dresses, also, there is a male character, but he has a minor supporting role in this excerpt and follows the typical  heroine character type as outlined by Propp.

I intend to make the last 2 minutes of the last episode of the first season of a television Sci-Fi drama series which will be targeted towards a family audience with adolescents from 13 and upwards. Audiences of Stranger Things will enjoy my television drama as it features experimentation and powers and also an ensemble cast. I intend to subvert stereotypes by making a black female character quick-witted, a leader and the only one with abilities.  The audience pleasures of my drama will be predominantly "personal identity" because some of the teenagers have been underestimated by the school system, maybe being put in lower sets than what they believe they deserve or being racially profiled by teachers. I intend to use a variety of camera shots like high and low angled shots, a low angled shot would introduce Ziana's character as she is the main protagonist. and I also intend to use a match-on-action when one of the protagonists touches the charging port of a phone and electronic background music and a colour scheme of vibrant whites, blues and greens to emphasise the Sci-Fi genre. Furthermore, in the scene where There will be some action later on in the series so to foreshadow it the ending music will be dramatic and heroic with regular drum beats.

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