Thursday 13 September 2018

Script Part 1

                                                                             The Dark Horses 

                                                                         Season Pilot Opening Scene


Emmanuela as Ziana

Isha as Misfit 2

Musa as Misfit 3

Mr Halsey as Condescending teacher (Miss McNeil)


Today students, as the last part of our Minority Up reach programme as a special treat, we have a STEM workshop in the Science Lab! Perhaps some you may even aspire to apply for University after this! It's all about small, manageable steps.

Imagine that (?) She says in an overly bubbly sarcastic voice under her breath, mocking Miss McNeil followed by an eye roll when she turns her head.

The group of students and the teacher walk through the corridor and make their way to the science lab.

Today, we're making a series circuit, Now, I hope you are all aware---

"That there are also parallel circuits but today we're making series because as I said it's all about baby steps" she says with a false smile

Miss McNeil
Well done Brianne!

It's Ziana

Miss McNeil
Sorry! It's just you both-

Deep Sigh "Have the same hair."

Miss McNeil's walkie-talkie lets out white noise.

Miss Mcneil
Excuse me students. Thomas, take the lead. EXT Miss McNeil

Finally! Get me some wires, crocodile clips and a light bulb. Gesturing, her voice full of enthusiasm.

Short montage of constructing the circuit

Adds light bulb to the circuit. Eyes flicker to a bright golden yellow colour.

Misfit 2
Zi! Your eyes! She says pulling out her phone

What are you on about? Takes the phone and accidentally touches charging port. The phone's battery goes from 1% to 20%. She checks the camera and is horrified of her own reflection.

Misfit 3
Miss McNeil's coming!

We have to use this to our advantage, who else is tired of being undermined and stereotyped and patronised? I'm tired! She said, as her eyes become constantly yellow and sparks form near them.

Is about to come in but instead eavesdrops and watches with a terrified expression. Walks away down the corridor quickly. camera follows her until she reaches the door. She opens it and it fades out

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