1) What year was the advert produced?
This OMO advert was produced in 1955.
2) How were women represented in most adverts in the 1950s?In many 1950s adverts,women, conventionally are presented as housewives that are sensitive,and usually mothers who are happy with their duties and also accept being inferior to men in terms of intelligence and physical strength. 3) How does the heading message ('OMO makes whites bright') and typography promote the product?
4) Analyse the mise-en-scene in the advert (CLAMPS): how is costume, make-up and placement of the model used to suggest women's role in society?
She is heavily made up with perfectly styled hair which reinforces the idea that women have to look perfect at all times.The lighting is bright and vibrant to mirror the fact that the product makes clothes whiter and brighter. her facial expression shows that she is excited about the product.
5) Why is a picture of the product added to the bottom right of the advert?
The picture of the product is there so people know what the product is so they can purchase it or recognise it in the shop and remember the advert.6) What are the connotations of the chosen colours in this advert?
The primary colours of red blue and yellow as well as white are used to show that using OMO is simple, just like the colour scheme.7) How does the anchorage text use persuasive language to encourage the audience to buy the product? Give examples. The anchorage text uses repetition and imperatives to make their advert memorable and also to instruct people to buy the product, they also use examples of others using it and how successful it was for them.
8) What representation of women can be found in this OMO advert? Make specific reference to the advert and discuss stereotypes. The woman is doing the laundry which adds to the stereotype that women have all the domestic responsibility., her facial expression shows ectasy which indicates that she is completley happy and content to do so.
9) What is the preferred reading for this advert - what did the producers of the advert want the audience to think in 1955? The preffered reading of this is that using OMO is so simple that the woman looks care free because it is such a good product.
10) What is the oppositional reading for this advert - how might a modern audience respond to this text and the representation of women here? An oppositional reading of this text is that it reinforces negative stereotypes that only women have domestic duties.
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